A-Wurf (Doris Day of Bostons Public Garden x Hessenvillas´s X Dream at Pink Sky)

B-Wurf (ex Ardor Bullutproof Hazel X LINDE N XENRIC's SHADOW O'FORTUNE)

C-Wurf (Doris Day of Boston´s Public Garden x Donatello Moravia Box)

D-Wurf (ex Ardor Bulletproof Hazel x Dobby von Ping-Ting-Schan)


E-Wurf  (Billie from Fenway Park x Donatello Moravia Box)


F-Wurf  (Pink Sky´s Harley rides to Fenway Park x Dobby von Ping-Ting-Schan)


G-Wurf (Pink Sky´s Harley rides to Fenway Park x Bowie from Fenway Park)